The biggest eye openers about surviving cancer: lessons I’ve learnt so hopefully you don’t have to

Libby-Jane Charleston
5 min readFeb 6, 2021
Here I am, blissfully unaware I was going to be diagnosed with cancer soon

Life can change so quickly. One moment you’re planning on having a late lunch with your partner; less than an hour later you’re racing off to your GP to choose a breast cancer surgeon who will save your life.

When I finally got over the shock of being told “you have cancer” and I made it halfway through the physical and emotional pain that comes with the disease, I realised there were blessings as well.

Yes, there are some good things that come with cancer. It goes hand-in-hand with the turmoil of the rollercoaster that’s as scary as you can imagine.

Falling through the cracks

My story is quite unique; my sister and I were both diagnosed with breast cancer on the same day, in different states, less than one hour apart.

The other pain in my story is that following my mammogram, I never received a phone call or email from the Breastscreen clinic to tell me my results were dodgy and I needed to return for further tests. It was three weeks later, when my sister had bad results, that I decided to follow up on my own.

I’m still upset that I apparently “fell through the cracks.” Don’t be lulled into the false security of ‘no news is good news’…



Libby-Jane Charleston

Journalist, ex-ABC TV, HuffPost AU Assoc Editor, ABC TV, author, poet, mother of 3 boys, cancer Survivor, history lover